Another school day & πŸ† update

 2o22.o9.o8 - another school day & Timmy's eggplant update πŸ† 

Alisha ,
 she got her rash back but it's slowly going away again .
Making her shower everyother day and putting alcohol on the spots every day . 
Seems to be working :) 

Catina and thimmothy ,
we went to the park for a couple mins in the am because we were early  .

Isla πŸ€ 


Today was hot πŸ”₯ 

Well it was for me .

Nelly ain't got no more fleas , 

only Terry's dog has them . 

I keep telling him he should bath her once a week to help get rid of the fleas , just like I told him that he needs to get her the white collar that I got Nelly. 

I don't know if he don't want to do it or if he just don't care 🀷 


Oh thimmothys eggplant has flowers growing ,

Well one of them does . 

He's excited for them to grow ..
 took them out of the greenhouse for the night , 
Hope the bugs don't attack it . 

✌️ πŸ’€ 


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