A story threw pictures πŸ“Έ

 2o22.o8.2o - a story threw pictures 


We went outside for a hour to wait for Terry , 

like we do every night he works ..

Don't mind the messy porch , 

thoes are toys that are possibly going to my dad's place for the weekends we go there if not , 

then they are forever outside toys I think .

Haily was playing with the blocks outside ,
Catina said she could build onto her creation she did a couple nights ago .

Payton and catina were running around , 
doing absolutely nothing for the whole time we were outside . 
Sorry , Payton tried to ride on Islas bike .

Payton and catina ,
Right when we went outside .
lol . Told you they went running 

Haha πŸ˜„  
gotcha drinking water .
The shirt she's waring is the one Nanna bought her for her birthday πŸŽ‚ 

Haily actually asked me to take a picture of her ,
I was suprised  .
I only think it's because she's waring the clothes I made her wear today , instead of her wearing her tight size 6 clothes . 
But you know what . 
I don't care if Terry's mom sees this .
If she does 
Buy her clothes THAT FIT !

Haily and catina,
It was their choice not to wear shoes by the way , 
I told them to put em on before we went outside and they didn't .


It's 10.30pm , 

I didn't nap so I'm tired and gonna go to bed 



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