Today was boring 😴



Not going to lie ,
Today was LONG and boring .

I asked my dad if he can store some stuff at his place untill we move because it's in the way .

So me and catina went with him at putted a few totes inside his house for the time being .

What I should of done was bring the tower of stuff that's by the couch to his place also . 
That stuff has been packed for a month now .
It's just books and vhs tapes πŸ“Ό 


Oh ,
Me and catina also got ALOT of the house packed and cleaned .
Putted ALL the carpets from downstairs outside untill the fleas off Luna are fine .
(Nelly don't have any anymore)


Nelly 🐈 
I was bored ,
She was beside me and catina ,
So I disturbed her lmao 
Don't think she liked it .

Nellys little toes πŸ’– 



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