A strawberry runner update πŸ“



A strawberry update .

I geuss I did something right .

The leafs are still green , 

The runner stems are still green ,

Looks like they are getting taller / more leafs on them . 

The only down fall is I went to check on them it turns out something ate half the berry that was growing on it so I had to pluck it off .

I still wonder why it has only produced one other berry (when I first bought it) and this one that got ate ? 

I'm still thinking I'm gonna have to bring it inside for the winter . 

Don't want thoes baby strawberry plants dieing .



Oh .

 Also , 

Can't remember if I posted about it or not but ...
(Picture bellow)

I have another strawberry growing from the one that we planted last year :) 

I noticed it last month , 

Decided to put sticks to move the momma plant so it can get some sun because it hasnt grown any .

I do hope it grows . 
Was going to cut the top off a waterbottle for the winter and maybe it will survive . 

I can't bring this one inside for the winter because it's been threw the cycle last year and i don't want to mess it up .




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