A plant update 🌱 🌿


Terry brought in his cactus 🌡  and his aloe ,

I brought inside the flower that my momm gave me on mother's day :) 

And catina brought inside her dragon fruit .

The strawberry bushes are actully going to stay outside coverd up with this white thing I bought from the dollerstore and under the greenhouse .

I hope the raspberrie & blackberry trees survive the winter because they are in buckets and not in the ground due to us moving soon .
Just have to cover them up with the thing I bought from the dollerstore also .

The cherry trees are staying inside this winter .

Also , 
Suprised the cat grass is still surviving ,
It barley gets watered and Nelly is always chewing on it .
Thinking about buying another one next year πŸ€” 


The tomato plants might die this month ,
The eggplants have flowers so got no clue what's going to happen to them ,
The blueberries tree died ,
Honeyberry tree died ,
Mini watermelons are still flowering ,
Lettuce grew , picked and ate ,
Onions grew and picked ,
Carrots grew , picked and ate ,
The dragon fruit from last year didn't grow back ither but catina kept pice of it and putted it in a jar with dirt ...


Next year I'm thinking about doing the whole growing food inside in the basement at the new place ? 
Buy another light get some mirrors to reflect the light , collect rain water ... 
Gonna be growing pine berry's when we move also . (Feel like I've already posted about that but not sure) 



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A cheekey Christmas update 🀢