Went for a long walk🚢‍♀️2o22.o9.18



Cherry trees are looking good :) 

They LOVE being in the window .

possibly could of put them in there at the beginning instead of being under the lights .

no more yellow leaves :)


We also went for a long walk today ,
We sprayed the house down with flea stuff 
And took the animals for a walk .

Putted Nelly in the carrier and then placed her in the wagon .
She mowed ALOT so when she was calm I opend the carrier and she stayed .
Had her hooked up to a harness and leash just incase she wanted to jump out .
But she was good tho 

Dracgo .. we walked to the pet store and Terry got him some snacks for the walk 

Catina wanted to carry him for a bit ,
He wanted to go onto her hair . 
I think it's because he wanted something to hang onto .

And ofcourse Luna .
The main reason why we still have fleas .
Because Terry won't bath her every week .

Glad the walk is over ,

But .

Gonna have to do it all over again next weekend .

And untill we move ! 


P.s. Laundry sucks !


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